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Построенные навечно book cover
Построенные навечно
Успех компаний, обладающих видением
Jim Collins - 2004-11-01 (впервые опубликовано в 1994)
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Книга "Построенные навечно" исследует глубинные причины долгосрочного успеха американских корпораций. Джим Коллинз и Джерри Поррас представляют свежий взгляд на приемы работы 18 выдающихся корпораций, включая 3М, Wal Mart, Walt Disney, Boeing, Sony и Hewlett-Packard. В рамках 6-летнего исследования под эгидой бизнес-школы Стэнфордского университета Коллинз и Поррас изучали выдающиеся компании-долгожители в непосредственном сравнении с их конкурентами, все время при этом задаваясь вопросом: "Что делает по-настоящему выдающиеся компании отличными от других компаний". Наполненная сотнями конкретных примеров, представленных в виде гармоничной модели практических концепций, доступ
Tim O’ReillyJeff BezosPeter Rex
Re-Imagine! Business Excellence in a Disruptive Age book cover
Re-Imagine! Business Excellence in a Disruptive Age
Tom Peters - 2006-03-06 (впервые опубликовано в 1989)
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"Re-imagine!" is a passionate call to arms for the modern business world. This book focuses on how the business climate has changed, and explores radical ways to overcome outdated company values. Discover an aggressive strategy that empowers talent and embraces brand-driven organizations that give everyone a voice.
The Future of Management book cover
The Future of Management
Gary Hamel - 2007-09-10 (впервые опубликовано в 1996)
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Discover the keys to long-term business success with The Future of Management by Gary Hamel. This book argues that management innovation is crucial for companies to thrive in today's world, and reveals the steps businesses must take to become serial management innovators. Learn about the challenges that determine competitive success, the toxic effects of traditional management beliefs, and unconventional practices generating breakthrough results. Using examples from companies like Google, IBM, and Whole Foods, this book offers practical and profound insights on how to build your company's "management advantage."
Strategic Brand Management book cover
Strategic Brand Management
Kevin Lane Keller - 2007-01-01
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Learn the latest industry insights and techniques for strategic brand management with this comprehensive guide. Packed with practical tips and real-life examples, discover how to make better long-term brand decisions, improve profitability, and analyze successful and unsuccessful brands. Ideal for professionals from brand managers to marketing officers, perfect your day-to-day and long-term brand strategies with this essential resource.
The Ad-Free Brand book cover
The Ad-Free Brand
Secrets to Building Successful Brands in a Digital World
Chris Grams - 2011-08-14
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Create a powerful brand without breaking the bank. The Ad-Free Brand shows how to use low-cost digital tools and strategic practices to build a brand with passionate followers. Written by Chris Grams, who helped build Red Hat’s billion-dollar global brand, this book integrates traditional brand positioning concepts with modern digital strategies. Discover new and collaborative ways to uncover, communicate, and evolve your brand position while embedding it in organizational culture. This step-by-step guide will help you build a winning brand on a tight budget.
Free Fall of Webster Cummings book cover
Free Fall of Webster Cummings
Tom Bodett - 1996-04-01 (впервые опубликовано в 1995)
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A man named Ed Flannigan moves to Oregon following an Alaskan machinery accident that lost him an arm. Beginning anew, he quickly clashes with New Age colonists, organic farmers, and a bad-tempered guardian angel who inhabits a peach tree. Follow Flannigan's journey in this captivating novel.
Megatrends book cover
Ten New Directions Transforming Our Lives
John Naisbitt - 1988-08-16 (впервые опубликовано в 1982)
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A thought-provoking book that delves into ten key trends shaping American society today. With a positive outlook, this book examines how our lives are being restructured and redirected, covering topics such as economics, politics, social issues, and spirituality.
The Fourth Turning book cover
The Fourth Turning
An American Prophecy - What the Cycles of History Tell Us About America's Next Rendezvous with Destiny
William Strauss - 1997-12-29 (впервые опубликовано в 1996)
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This insightful national bestseller by William Strauss and Neil Howe delves into the cyclical nature of American history and how it can be used to predict our future. The authors outline four "turnings," each lasting around twenty years, that have occurred over the past five hundred years. They argue that our past can help us prepare for the coming perilous "Fourth Turning." A must-read for those interested in history and its impact on our collective future.
Tony RobbinsJawad Mian
The One to One Future book cover
The One to One Future
Don Peppers - 1993-01-01
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Revolutionize your marketing and increase profits with The One to One Future. This updated edition includes a User's Guide and step-by-step strategies for businesses to succeed in the Interactive Age. Learn to focus on the share of customer rather than the share of market, collaborate with individual customers, and create relationships through new media channels. Discover how leading-edge companies like MCI, Lexus, and Nissan Canada have already implemented these strategies, and see how they can work for businesses of all sizes.
A New Brand World by Scott Bedbury
On Becoming a Leader by Warren Bennis
Authenticity by James H. Gilmore
The Frequency of Souls by Mary Kay Zuravleff
The Great American Web Book by Raphael Sagalyn
От хорошего к великому by Jim Collins
A Whole New Mind by Daniel H. Pink
Позиционирование by Al Ries