Authors › Vadim Zeland
Vadim Zeland Books
Vadim Zeland is a contemporary Russian mystic and writer. Little is known about Vadim Zeland. He states in his autobiography that he used to be a quantum mechanics physicist and later a computer technologist. He prefers not to become a well-known celebrity, shielding personal details. Zeland's main goal is to present a set of techniques which he calls "Transurfing of Realities" for the attainment of practical goals. These techniques are of a mental and metaphysical nature, which Zeland supports by presenting a model of the universe that combines the elements of quantum physics with the idea of parallel worlds. As Zeland states, the use of the techniques is not dependent on the acceptance of his theoretical model.
31 books on the list
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Reality Transurfing (vol. 3 - Adelante con el pasado) (PSICOLOGÍA)
Vadim Zeland - 2021-03-17
Unlock a new way of interpreting reality with the powerful and innovative technique of Transurfing. In this third volume of the series, the author explores the possibility of navigating space and time, showing that it is a very real and palpable phenomenon. Learn how the simple operation of transaction can help you surf through life effortlessly, without boundaries. With over 1 million copies sold in Russia, Germany, and the Czech Republic, Vadim Zeland's trilogy has become a worldwide sensation and is now available in fourteen languages.

Avante para o passado (Transurfing
escolha sua realidade Livro 3) (Portuguese Edition)
Vadim Zeland - 2021-03-08
Learn the power of Transurfing, the technique which allows you to create the impossible and control your destiny. In the third volume of the series, "Avante para o passado!" by Vadim Zeland, you'll explore the third step of Transurfing and discover how to move through time and space. This isn't science fiction - Transurfing deals only with real-world methods to achieve your goals. Learn how to coordinate and act for success and achieve your true potential. Perfect for those seeking to take control of their lives.

Murmúrio das estrelas matutinas (Transurfing
escolha sua realidade Livro 2) (Portuguese Edition)
Vadim Zeland - 2020-12-17
Explore the power of Transurfing in Murmúrio das estrelas matutinas, the second book in Vadim Zeland’s trilogy. Transurfing is a remarkable technique that allows you to create impossible things and control your own destiny. This book offers concrete and practical advice on how to make your dreams come true, with step-by-step guidance on how to place your order with the universe. Discover how your intentions shape your reality and learn how to tap into the limitless possibilities of the world around you with Transurfing.

Espaço das Variantes (Transurfing
escolha sua realidade Livro 1) (Portuguese Edition)
Vadim Zeland - 2020-12-09
Explore the mind-bending world of Transurfing! This book delves into radical ideas that will challenge your worldview, but won't make you a believer until you see it for yourself. With Transurfing, you can achieve the impossible and take control of your own destiny. Learn about the principles of variant models, and discover your hidden abilities to achieve your dreams without struggle. Prepare for a breathtaking journey that will take you beyond your imagination. This is a must-read for those seeking new perspectives and endless possibilities.

Discover how to break free from the script that governs your life and take control of your reality with this book. The author reveals how fighting against the present only keeps you stuck, and the key to shifting your future lies in awakening and living within the script. Uncover the secrets to changing the narrative of your life with the help of Tafti, the mysterious sacerdotisa.
С помощью техники трансерфинга большому количеству людей удалось изменить свою жизнь в лучшую сторону. Но как именно? Есть ли этому какие-то реальные подтверждения? Именно этих примеров нам так не хватало после прочтения первых книг....
Все мы, так или иначе, находимся во власти обстоятельств. Желания не исполняются, мечты не сбываются, зато худшие ожидания, как назло, оправдываются. Неужели нельзя наоборот? Оказывается, можно....
"Unlock the secrets of the universe and take control of your own destiny with this powerful book. Discover the laws that govern our reality and learn how to manipulate them to achieve your desires. Written in Russian, this book delves into the technique of Transurfing, a powerful tool to create the impossible and take charge of your life. Don't be put off by the unusual concepts - everything you'll learn is real and effective."
Discover the laws of the universe in this book and learn how to change your life according to your desires. With Transurfing, a powerful technique discussed in this book, you can create seemingly impossible things and control your fate. Get ready to expand your mind as you explore the reality maker that exists within us all.
Revolutionize your life with TransSurfing - the user manual. Vadim Zeland will show you how to break free from the confining algorithm of conventional thinking and discover a world of infinite possibilities beyond the attainable limits for everyone else. In "TransSurfing to go," Zeland compiles all the essential principles of the method into one convenient guide, making it easy to read and simple to apply. Join the millions of readers worldwide who have successfully integrated the TransSurfing method into their lives and achieved remarkable results.
Reality Transurfing 2 by Vadim Zeland
Reality Transurfing 3. Forward to the Past by Vadim Zeland
Reality Transurfing 1 by Vadim Zeland
Tufti the Priestess. Live Stroll Through A Movie by Vadim Zeland, Joanna Dobson
Transurfing in 78 Days — A Practical Course in Creating Your Own Reality by Vadim Zeland
Трансерфинг. Проектор отдельной реальности by Zeland V.
Reality Transurfing - Le regole dello specchio by Vadim Zeland
Osvobozhdaem soznanie by Vadim Zeland
Живой Трансерфинг by Vadim Zeland
Reality Transurfing Steps I-V by Vadim Zeland
TransSurfing - Lenker der Realität by Vadim Zeland
Transurfing in Your Pocket by Vadim Zeland
TransSurfing – Die Steuerung des Bewusstseins by Vadim Zeland
Realybės lėmėjas by Vadim Zeland
Transerfing rzeczywistości 8 by Vadim Zeland
Апокрифический Трансерфинг by Zeland Vadim
Transerfing rzeczywistości 6 by Vadim Zeland
Reality Transurfing by Vadim Zeland
Форум сновидений-2 by Zeland Vadim
Transerfing real'nosti by V. Zeland
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