Apollo's Arrow
The Profound and Enduring Impact of Coronavirus on the Way We Live
Nicholas A. Christakis
"Unravel the science behind the COVID-19 pandemic and its impact on our lives with this thought-provoking must-read for 2021. Apollo's Arrow presents a captivating analysis of the virus as it infiltrated American society in 2020 and the future implications of its aftermath. Author Nicholas A. Christakis expertly weaves in historical epidemics, contemporary research, and interdisciplinary insights to shed light on the collective experience of human existence during a time of plague. Discover how this pandemic has divided our society and also revealed opportunities for cooperation in a startlingly new way. With vivid examples and bold arguments, Apollo's Arrow offers a unique perspective on the intersection of science, medicine, genetics, data science, sociology, and epidemiology."
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Goodreads Rating
I've just been reading Nicholas Christakis's book about the coronavirus, Apollo's Arrow, and it's a rare combination of broad historical panorama and all-too-topical bestseller. There are interesting insights on every page. – source2020-12-12T16:15:35.000Z
@NAChristakis offers a riveting account of the impact of the coronavirus pandemic on American society as it unfolded in 2020, and on how the recovery will unfold in the coming years. An absolute must-read for anyone wanting context for this year's strange events! – source2020-12-31T17:48:49.000Z
I recommend reading Christakis' Covid book, Apollo's Arrow, on my 2020 list, but not because of his opinions, which universally favor China and authoritarian responses. This thread from March appears almost verbatim in the book: – source2020-10-14T19:59:34.000Z
Excited finally to see the print edition of the “must-must read” APOLLO’S ARROW by @NAChristakis. An book for and about our time. – source