Begin Again
James Baldwin's America and Its Urgent Lessons for Our Own
Eddie S. Glaude Jr.
Explore the struggle for racial justice in America through the lens of James Baldwin's life and writings. In the aftermath of the civil rights movement, Baldwin transformed into a more politically-engaged writer, at personal and professional cost. In "Begin Again," Eddie S. Glaude Jr. delves into the challenge of confronting America's lies about race, exploring the after times of today's Trumpian era intersecting with Black Lives Matter movement, and how Baldwin's journey offers guidance and hope through disillusionment and despair. This searing exploration is both a powerful interrogation of what we must ask of ourselves and an indispensable part of America's much-needed political and cultural reckoning.
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Here’s the James Baldwin quote @esglaude and I were talking about this morning from his great new book “Begin Again”:
“To accept one’s past—one’s history—is not the same as drowning it it.” – source2021-01-19T01:52:46.000Z
happy mlk day! i wanted to recommend a few books that got me good:
heads of the colored people: stories by nafissa thompson-spires
friday black by nana kwame adjei-brenyah
begin again: james baldwin's america and its urgent lessons for our own by eddie s. glaude jr. – source2020-08-30T18:44:39.000Z
If you’re looking for a great book, check out Begin Again by @EddieGlaude. Beautifully written and very timely given the state of our country. – source2021-07-22T14:58:22.000Z
Anyone who has not read @esglaude book “Begin Again” is missing out on a beautifully written, powerful discussion of “the lie” that James Baldwin powerfully exposed and that Prof. Glaude eloquently connects to our current societal illness. – source2020-07-12T18:07:08.000Z
Rarely has a book hit me with the impact of @esglaude new “Begin Again.” He will be my guest tomorrow. It’s an interview, not a debate —there’s much on which we have different perspectives but that’s not point. Go get this book and read it. – source2020-06-19T14:14:22.000Z
“History, the story we tell ourselves about what the country is, shapes the world we make going forward.” @esglaude brilliant essay on Baldwin, King, Washington, Woodrow Wilson, and monuments. From his must-read new book. #JuneteenthDay reading. – source