Bird by Bird
Some Instructions on Writing and Life
Anne Lamott
Learn to write like a pro with this step-by-step guide from a seasoned writer. From "Getting Started," to "Shitty First Drafts," and "Publication," this book covers it all. Along with practical tips, the author shares her own humorous and honest experiences with the writing process. With insights on everything from writer's block to jealousy and fear, this book is a must-read for anyone looking to improve their writing skills and navigate the writer's life.
Publish Date
first published in 1994
Goodreads Rating
I reference @ANNELAMOTT's "Bird By Bird" a lot (rec'd by @GaryGulman on his episode) and I also recommend @marykarrlit's book "Art of Memoir" which I find completely inspiring. #WorkingItOut – source2020-11-25T00:00:00.000Z
“Bird by Bird,” by Anne Lamott, is my go-to gift or recommendation for anyone interested in writing, though it is as much a treatise on life as it is a creative-writing primer. – sourceOstensibly about the art of writing, but really it too is about life and how to tackle the problems, temptations and opportunities life throws at us. – source
Today’s reading suggestions:
Writing guides that are also entertaining and enlightening and fun and poignant and no matter what you do, you will relate.
BIRD BY BIRD by @ANNELAMOTT (I’ve re-read this wonderful book more than any other)
ON WRITING by @StephenKing
#StayHome – source2022-05-20T18:49:53.000Z
This is such a great book.I recommend it strongly. It was 1 of the first books on writing that I read & I learned so much from it. @ANNELAMOTT has a super sense of humor. #books #WritingLife #birdbybird – source2020-09-17T04:13:01.000Z
Bird by Bird: Some Instructions on Writing and Life (Anne Lamott) - my reading notes
Everyone who produces text should read this book, period. – source2019-07-30T14:21:43.000Z
@dayswithe @ANNELAMOTT Bird by Bird is an amazing book.
Also, I love you. So much. – source2021-02-03T20:56:08.000Z
Aspiring novelists + writers, take note!
+ books I routinely recommend are @StephenKing's On Writing + @ANNELAMOTT's Bird by Bird
#BYDN #VirtualWaterCooler #WritingCommunity #BookBoost #booktwitter – source