Chasing the Scream
The Opposite of Addiction is Connection
Johann Hari
Explore the hidden truths of the war on drugs in this eye-opening journey by journalist Johann Hari. Discover the shocking reality behind addiction, drugs, and the real motives behind the infamous drug war, all through the inspiring stories of people whose lives it has affected. From a transsexual drug dealer in Brooklyn to a Mexican teenager caught in the crossfire, this New York Times bestseller will challenge and change your perceptions on this controversial topic.
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Everything you know about addiction is wrong @johannhari101's fascinating TED talk if you haven't read his book, do – source2018-06-08T19:00:03.000Z
Three wonderful books I recommend that pertain to drug reform and depression – two issues in our minds this week – and some important connections between them:
• Lost Connections by Johann Hari
• Chasing the Scream by Johann Hari
• How to Change Your Mind by Michael Pollan – source2021-03-04T17:12:54.000Z
So, a few years ago I read @johannhari101’s excellent book Chasing the Scream (highly recommended). It is about the racist foundation of the War on Drugs. It’s about systemic failure illustrated with some very poignant stories, including the tragedy of Billie Holiday. 1 – source