Consider Phlebas
Iain M. Banks
In this seminal science fiction series, readers are introduced to a utopian conglomeration of human and alien races that explores the nature of war, morality, and the limitless bounds of mankind's imagination. As a galactic war rages, billions are doomed and principles are at stake. A fugitive Mind becomes the object of both sides' desires and only a motley crew of unpredictable mercenaries can find it. Will they save the world or find their own destruction?
Publish Date
first published in 1987
Goodreads Rating
Reading The Culture series by Banks. Compelling picture of a grand, semi-utopian galactic future. Hopefully not too optimistic about AI. – source2018-04-01T00:57:54.000Z
excited for this, Banks' Culture series is brilliant. Consider Phlebas is one of my favourite books, I read it back in the day when I was programming Theme Park, the cheat code for the game is 'Horza', the main character from the book... – source2019-07-31T17:05:52.000Z
@campuscodi the Expanse series is awesome (first book is Leviathan Wakes)
The Culture series from Iain M. Banks (starting with Consider Phlebas) are classic too.. – source2018-11-29T19:02:34.000Z
@alwayssendingit Hyperion, Dune, Forever War, Shadow and Claw, Count of Monte Cristo, Ian Banks' Culture series – source