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Designing Data-Intensive Applications book cover

Designing Data-Intensive Applications

The Big Ideas Behind Reliable, Scalable, and Maintainable Systems

Martin Kleppmann

Explore the principles, algorithms and trade-offs behind data systems in order to design scalable, reliable, and maintainable applications in the long term. This book uses examples from various popular software packages and frameworks to teach you how to choose the right tools for each purpose, and how to combine them to establish a strong application architecture. Gain intuition about your systems to better solve issues that may arise as you develop your skills in software engineering and architecture.
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The book @intensivedata has got to be the most information-packed one I've read. Summary of all major DB storage techniques, explained in 35 pages in the book. Thread. 1. "Plain old" key-value store in a textfile 2. Indexing a key-value store (e.g. a CSV) with hash indexes (1/6)      source