How to Start & Build a Law Practice
Practice Ready - Mentor - Jobs - 6th Edition
Jay Foonberg
A comprehensive guide to starting, growing, and improving your own law practice by a practicing lawyer with real-life experience. Packed with guidance on identifying the right location, finding clients, setting fees, managing your office, maintaining an ethical practice, and much more, this #1 ABA bestseller is organized into short, easy-to-read chapters with realistic and practical advice. Whether you're starting from scratch or looking to improve an established practice, this updated and expanded edition offers new material on topics like e-mail and the internet, law firm mergers, and nonlawyer consultants, as well as time-saving templates and checklists. With over 100,000 lawyers turning to Jay Foonberg for expert advice, this book is guaranteed to help you succeed.
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This is the book I read cover to cover and used as a daily reference when I left biglaw and started my firm in 1994. Glad to have become friends with @JayFoonberg over the years and am excited a new version of this classic is on the way. – source