Dan Simmons
In this science fiction epic, a creature known as the Shrike awaits on the world of Hyperion, beyond the reach of galactic law. Some worship it, others fear it, and some have vowed to destroy it. On the brink of Armageddon, seven pilgrims set out on a final voyage seeking answers to the unsolved riddles of their lives. With each carrying a desperate hope and a terrible secret, one among them may hold the fate of humanity in their hands. This masterwork by the award-winning author of The Hollow Man is a stunning, inventive narrative that transcends space opera into a new kind of poetry. An essential part of any science fiction collection, Hyperion is a tour de force filled with awe, wonder, and excitement.
Publish Date
first published in 1989
Goodreads Rating
OMW directly influenced by: Starship Troopers, book AND film; Half-Life; Dan Simmons' Hyperion series; and rather quite a few films with snappy dialogue and a three-act structure BUT SPECIFICALLY Nora Ephron's bits in Sleepless in Seattle where Sam talks about missing his wife. – source2020-07-18T16:15:55.000Z
@yrechtman sci fi is the only genre
some essentials:
dan simmons - Hyperion
@GreatDismal Neuromancer, second book is my favorite
The Quantum Thief / Le Flambeur trilogy - the whole trilogy is delightful
and obvi three body problem is epic
full list: – source2020-08-06T10:45:36.000Z
The flying tree ship, Yggdrasill, from the Hyperion books by Dan Simmons <- Give it a read, one of the best sci-fi books of our times. – source2018-11-29T19:02:34.000Z
@alwayssendingit Hyperion, Dune, Forever War, Shadow and Claw, Count of Monte Cristo, Ian Banks' Culture series – source