Invisible Man
Ralph Ellison
This groundbreaking novel tells the journey of an unnamed protagonist navigating through the racial divide, shedding light on the effects of bigotry on both victim and perpetrator. With a voice that captures the full range of the American language, the story takes us from the Deep South to Harlem, throwing our own reality into harsh relief. Suspenseful and sardonic, Invisible Man is an audacious and dazzling masterpiece that redefines American literature.
Publish Date
first published in 1952
Goodreads Rating
@nytimes @alexanderchee @heyitsfranklin2 @lachristensen @nytimesbooks For me it would be books like "Invisible Man" by Ralph Ellison, "Playing in the Dark" by Toni Morrison, "The Souls of Black Folk" by W.E.B. Dubois, among others. Good books. Even Alvin Toffler's 1980 classic "Third Wave", which has great points about changes in the economy. – source2023-02-14T12:06:27.000Z
Very glad to have been assigned this book in high school. If you haven’t read it you should absolutely check it out — a classic for good reason. – sourceI read it as a 22-year-old, and it made me think deeply about how society doesn’t “see” so many of its members. – source
A few weeks ago, @vulture asked me to describe 10 books that have impacted me along the way. List just out: Chinua Achebe, Dorothy Day, Éilís Ní Dhuibhne, Ralph Ellison, Bernard Malamud, Doris Kearns Goodwin, & more: – source2020-02-02T21:18:50.000Z
For #BlackHistoryMonth I will be sharing some of my favorite books by Black Authors
2nd Book:
Invisible Man
Novel by Ralph Ellison
Not enough words to capture what this book is about....
Page-turning Experience!
JUST READ! – source2019-09-04T13:59:29.000Z
Riveting time capsule material. Literary giant Ellison on the blues, on race, on his powerful book, Invisible Man. – source2019-05-08T17:18:13.000Z
@EricColumbus A great choice and undeniably important book. Wish it were taught more. – source