Klara and the Sun
A novel
Kazuo Ishiguro
This intriguing novel follows the story of Klara, an Artificial Friend with exceptional observation skills. From her perch in a storefront, Klara watches the behavior of customers and passersby, hopeful that someone will choose her. Written by a Nobel Prize-winning author, Klara and the Sun offers a thrilling perspective on our changing world and begs the question: What does it mean to love?
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Goodreads Rating
I love a good robot story, and Ishiguro’s novel about an “artificial friend” to a sick young girl is no exception. Although it takes place in a dystopian future, the robots aren’t a force for evil. Instead, they serve as companions to keep people company. This book made me think about what life with super intelligent robots might look like—and whether we’ll treat these kinds of machines as pieces of technology or as something more. – source2021-12-22T18:36:25.000Z
Give me a recommendation for a good book to give for Xmas. I’ll start. Klara and the Sun by Kazuo Ishiguro. – source2021-12-17T13:27:01.000Z
I read an average of one book a week plus I spend a lot of time finding out what to read next.
I’ve chosen these books as my best reads this year (both science fiction and non-fiction).
#themedicalfuturist #digitalhealth #future #healthcare #technology #book #reading #read – source2021-03-04T02:13:51.000Z
Klara and the Sun was released yesterday, and I read it immediately. A beautiful book that I highly recommend; in my opinion, one of Ishiguro's best. – source