Learn Python 3 the Hard Way
A Very Simple Introduction to the Terrifyingly Beautiful World of Computers and Code (Zed Shaw's Hard Way Series)
Zed Shaw
Learn Python 3 with the best system out there! In this book, you'll work through 52 exercises to learn basic mathematics, variables, looping and logic, and more. The author, Zed Shaw, will teach you how a computer works and the fundamentals of coding. You'll be able to install a complete Python environment, organize and write code, and work with users. Plus, you'll learn 5+ hours of additional content through video lessons where the author shows you how to fix, break, and debug your code. By the end, you'll know one of the world's most powerful programming languages and be able to develop basic games and websites. This book is perfect for beginners, junior developers, and seasoned professionals looking for a Python crash course.
Many many years after reading "Learn Python the Hard Way" the *most* valuable part of the whole book for me was in the introduction. It has informed so much of how I've taught myself over the years. – source