Moonwalking with Einstein
The Art and Science of Remembering Everything
Joshua Foer
Discover the incredible power of human memory with this electrifying work of journalism. Follow the year-long journey of author Joshua Foer as he learns from top "mental athletes," delves into cutting-edge research, and explores the surprising cultural history of remembering. This instant bestseller is poised to become a classic, revolutionizing our concept of memory and reminding us that we are the sum of our memories.
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I never thought much about whether I could improve my memory across a wider set of domains, but now I think I could, after reading Moonwalking with Einstein. – source
For those fascinated with memory. Riveting page-turner about a journalist (with no particularly good memory) who went to cover a memory championship event. Intrigued and befriending some competitors, he starts practicing, and a year later wins the U.S. memory championship event himself. Inspiring dive into the subject of memorization. – source2019-06-01T17:52:56.000Z
Book-a-Shaw club meets on 1st of month (new goal!). My neurologist recommended this funny, insightful book on the brain, how our memories work and how to make them more efficient...#@joshuafoer – source