Prisoners of Geography
Ten Maps That Explain Everything About the World (1) (Politics of Place)
Tim Marshall
This acclaimed book examines how geography shapes global politics, using ten crucial regions to explain the strategies of world powers. The author provides unique perspectives on Russia, China, the US, Latin America, and more, exploring how each country's physical characteristics impact their leadership and decision-making. Whether through ancient maps or Google Earth, this compelling read reveals how geography always plays a role in shaping our world.
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Goodreads Rating
Just read Prisoners of Geography by Tim Marshall (@Itwitius), pub. 7 yrs ago, & it really makes CNN et al. look terrible w/ their “What’s going on it Putin’s mind?? Impossible to know!” stuff. As ever, history BLINDINGLY illuminates the present. Good book! – source2019-12-08T00:00:00.000Z
Ten maps that tell you everything you need to know about global politics, by Time Marshall. This is a good idea superbly executed. The book explains the world starting with geography, which in many ways is an idea of a starting point. It explains Russia, Ukraine, Kashmir, Tibet, Iraq, all through the rich lands of the map. – source2019-10-15T00:00:00.000Z
The world's cultures and politics are this way because of geography : oceans, rivers, mountains, deserts, farmable land, etc. Fascinating for me because I'd never looked at this world this way before. – source2020-01-27T10:34:09.000Z
This is a great book and by far the best thing I have read for a while. If you are curious about the world in which we live, geopolitics or just fancy something a little different, you couldn’t do much better than this. Coffee optional! @Itwitius 👏🏻 #prisonersofgeography – source2019-02-23T07:59:07.000Z
"Prisoners of Geography" is one of my all time favourite geography books. A must for anyone interested in geopolitics or maps. Best book out there to give you a big picture overview of our world. #SimonReadsBooks
GoodReads: – source2018-08-27T16:08:47.000Z
@KKulthum This was part of the book i read in January this year. It was an impressive peice of book. I love it. I read it twice. It is already in my library. Thank you for this recommendation. – source