"Surely You're Joking, Mr. Feynman!"
Adventures of a Curious Character
Richard P. Feynman
Join the outrageous adventures of a Nobel Prize-winning physicist in this New York Times bestseller. In his own unmistakable voice, he recounts trading ideas on atomic physics with Einstein and Bohr, cracking uncrackable safes guarding nuclear secrets, and even painting a naked female toreador. Feynman's life is an eccentric mix of high intelligence, curiosity, and chutzpah that is not to be missed.
Publish Date
first published in 1985
Goodreads Rating
I remember really enjoying Feynman’s books. He had several autobiographical books, and I read them. It seemed like a very great life he led. Aside from making really big contributions in his own field, he was pretty broad-minded. I remember he had an excerpt where he was explaining how he really wanted to be a Leonardo, an artist and a scientist. I found that pretty inspiring. I think that leads to having a fulfilling life – source2020-02-11T06:15:11.000Z
Q: What book have you recommended the most to friends and family?
P.A.: The book I’ve recommended most is Surely You’re Joking, Mr. Feynman by Richard P. Feynman. – source2019-01-06T22:16:00.000Z
Books i read in 2018.
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