The 15 Commitments of Conscious Leadership
A New Paradigm for Sustainable Success
Jim Dethmer
This must-read book distills decades of experience with CEOs and leaders into fifteen radical and innovative commitments that will change the way you see leadership. You'll learn how to shift from fear to trust-based leadership, resulting in healthier relationships, more energy, creativity, and engagement from your team, and a win for all solutions. Bring curiosity to the table and explore a whole new world of conscious leadership.
Goodreads Rating
The author brought the simplicity of successful communication into the foreground. No matter what issue you’re facing, his strategies for communicating with others will set you up to win every time. – source
Discusses a way of approaching work where you are curious, eager to learn, and open, instead of focusing on blame, criticism, and commitment to being right. – source
My pleasure! I’m so happy to hear you liked it - I LOVE recommending that book! – source2019-06-05T06:39:56.000Z
Here’s my ranked reading list from the past year. These books have changed my life!
The 15 Commitments of Conscious Leadership
Leadership and Self-Deception
The Score Takes Care of Itself
The Way to Love
Playing to Win
The Power of Now
Can’t Hurt Me
Atomic Habits – source2020-08-03T18:04:03.000Z
This is now my ultimate book on leadership - because it recognises and respects the place of spirit. And that’s where all the real action is.
I read it every year,
... – source2014-09-23T00:00:00.000Z