The Autobiography of Malcolm X
Malcolm X
This autobiography is a powerful testament to the extraordinary life and message of Malcolm X, the Muslim leader, anti-integrationist, and "most dangerous man in America." Written with veteran writer and journalist Alex Haley, the searing pages take us on a journey from Malcolm X's childhood poverty to his growth as the Nation's foremost spokesman for Islam and the Black Muslim movement. His message of power, pride, and self-determination is as relevant today as it was in the 1960s.
Publish Date
first published in 1965
Goodreads Rating
I was blown away by the determination and commitment that Malcolm X had to his people and to fight against a system that was not designed to support or help him or his people. – source
Many, from Malcolm X's Autobiography 2 Man's Search for Meaning RT @VarunAmbrose what were books that caused a paradigm shift in ur thinking – source2019-06-05T16:23:31.000Z
The Autobiography of Malcolm X was a book that changed my life, here's why: – source2015-10-27T00:00:00.000Z
That book is written in such a brilliant way that’s so relatable, even today, that I can’t think of another piece of writing that’s impacted me the way that book has. – source2020-06-02T09:52:24.000Z
If you haven’t read his autobiography yet I recommend you do. One of the most enlightening books I’ve ever read. 2/2 – source2020-02-02T04:37:11.000Z
For #BlackHistoryMonth I will be sharing some of my favorite books by Black Authors
1st book
The Autobiography of Malcom X by Alex Haley/Malcom X
I would always celebrate Malcolm X, but I didn’t read this book until my late 20’s
It is never too late to educate/re-educate yourself – source2022-12-31T18:40:43.000Z
📚 My favorite books
These are not the most-influential or most-important books of all time [at least not all of them] — just the ones I like the most; or the most-important to me.
I have almost certainly forgotten a whole bunch. – source