The Everyday Enneagram
A Personality Map For Enhancing Your Work, Love, and Life...Every Day
Lynette Sheppard
Discover Your Personality Type with The Everyday Enneagram: Unveiling the tradition that has been around for thousands of years, The Everyday Enneagram describes nine different worldviews that form the basis of our personalities. Author Lynette Sheppard explains the amazingly accurate map that categorizes people into nine personality types, unveiling their corresponding gifts and pitfalls. The book helps you discover the internal motivations and worldviews of those closest to you, enabling you to have better relationships. Understanding these types will lead you onto the path of self-discovery and help you connect better with all sectors of life, including career, personal growth, family, self-development, and spirituality. The Everyday Enneagram is packed with real-life examples, stories, and exercises to help you grow and understand yourself and others. Discover your Enneagram type and learn how to work with it, starting your journey towards a more satisfying life.
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A few of my favorite Enneagram books for all types to read:
The Enneagram in Love and Work by Helen Palmer
The Complete Enneagram by @dr_beachestnut
The Everyday Enneagram by @LynetteSheppard – source