The Gift of Fear
Gavin de Becker
Discover how to protect yourself and trust your instincts with this empowering and life-saving guide. Personal safety expert Gavin de Becker shares his expertise on predicting violent behavior and offers real-life examples and advice on restraining orders, self-defense, and more. Learn how to identify danger and feel safer in any situation. Trust your intuition and stay safe with this essential read for anyone who's ever felt threatened.
Publish Date
first published in 1996
Goodreads Rating
I don’t read a lot of self-help books, but I buy a lot of them. I usually give up when the first chapter hasn’t magically transformed me into someone wonderful. The one exception is Gavin de Becker’s “The Gift of Fear.” It should be required reading for all women, and men for that matter. Maybe men would then get why we reject their advances in poorly lit parking lots — it’s not because we’re bitches, it’s because we don’t want to get murdered. – source2019-09-01T18:51:52.000Z
If I had a daughter, girlfriend, or wife, I’d highly recommend this book to them.
Less useful for men unless you have reason to fear assassination, but an interesting read nonetheless. – source