The Great Influenza
The Story of the Deadliest Pandemic in History
John M. Barry
Explore the deadliest influenza virus in history that killed as many as 100 million people worldwide after erupting in Kansas during WWI. Follow the collision of science and epidemic disease in 1918 and the triumph amid tragedy that ensued. With a newly revised section on avian flu, John M. Barry's The Great Influenza provides a precise and sobering model as we approach epidemics looming on our own horizon.
Publish Date
first published in 2004
Goodreads Rating
We’re living through an unprecedented time right now. But if you’re looking for a historical comparison, the 1918 influenza pandemic is as close as you’re going to get. Barry will teach you almost everything you need to know about one of the deadliest outbreaks in human history. Even though 1918 was a very different time from today, The Great Influenza is a good reminder that we’re still dealing with many of the same challenges. – source2021-05-03T11:33:21.000Z
@Nilperoral @cshif42 @MharishiValmiki There is a great book called the Great Influenza. – source2020-03-09T18:22:54.000Z
*The human suffering from this virus will be terrible enough and will expose what John Barry predicted in the epilogue to “The Great Influenza” in 2006, a must-read book about 1918 influenza: efficiencies imposed on hospital systems and “just-in-time” supply chains are threats. 3 – source2020-01-22T17:59:06.000Z
@Holykisses Remember the Great Influenza of 1918 (amazing book by Barry)...40-50 million died at a 10% kill rate. The higher the rate, the faster it is likely to burn itself out. 10% is a global pandemic nightmare. – source2020-02-29T00:10:49.000Z
@ianbassin John Barry’s book The Great Influenza is a superb must read. More now than ever! – source2020-02-19T17:36:38.000Z
Book recs from this week's show:
Dark Towers by @davidenrich
The Great Influenza by John Barry
Home Game by Michael Lewis – source2020-02-27T18:22:57.000Z
Read this book by @johnmbarry a few years ago...found it fascinating. Decided to re-read...just for insights into disease and their effects on society. – source2020-01-24T03:38:02.000Z
I guess it is a good time to point out that "The Great Influenza" is a great book. If you think modern medicine would have mitigate this one, you haven't read the book. – source2020-02-29T15:39:25.000Z
@heshsson yes1
brilliant book, which also explains flu better than most other things you will read – source