The Happiness Hypothesis
Finding Modern Truth in Ancient Wisdom
Jonathan Haidt
Explore the intersection of philosophy and psychology in this thought-provoking book. Award-winning psychologist Jonathan Haidt delves into enduring maxims such as "Do unto others as you would have others do unto you" and "What doesn't kill you makes you stronger," and shows how they can bring more happiness and fulfillment to our lives. A truly transformative read.
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Goodreads Rating
I really can’t recommend this book enough. It’s one of the best and most insightful books I’ve ever read. Jonathan Haidt was a fantastic guest on the podcast and this book is just amazing… – source2019-04-03T17:39:29.000Z
I’m a big fan of @JonHaidt’s books. The Happiness Hypothesis first got me thinking about happiness (which led to Happy, my last book), The Righteous Mind is tremendous & was part of forming Sacrifice (on Netflix) and now starting The Coddling Of The American Mind. Thanks Jon! – source2010-05-01T00:00:00.000Z
Psychology professor's digestible but deep insight into how our minds work, around the topic of happiness. Great metaphor of a rider on the back of an elephant. Rider is reasoning, elephant is emotions. Rider has limited control of what the elephant does. Surprising insights into ethics and morality. See my notes for great quotes, but read the whole well-written book. – source