The Hidden Life of Trees
What They Feel, How They Communicate―Discoveries from A Secret World (The Mysteries of Nature (1))
Peter Wohlleben
Explore the fascinating world of trees and their hidden communication system in this captivating book. Author Peter Wohlleben shares his deep passion for forests and the amazing processes of life, death, and regeneration he has observed. Learn how trees communicate and support each other, creating an ecosystem that benefits the whole community. Drawing on groundbreaking new discoveries, Wohlleben presents the science behind the secret life of trees and their abilities. Discover how eco-friendly practices can benefit our planet, and the mental and physical health of all who live on Earth.
Publish Date
first published in 2015
Goodreads Rating
A fascinating book about the complexity of something that seems basic. One example: Trees that grow up in their mothers’ shade grow slowly, because their moms block most of the sun. Slow growth leads to dense wood, which leads to a strong tree. Trees that instead grow in the open sun, without their mom’s shade, grow very fast, gorging on all the light they can absorb. But fast growth leads to soft wood, which is susceptible to rot and fungus. That analogy – grow fast at your own peril – applies to many fields, as do several of the lessons in this book. – source2019-04-03T19:12:37.000Z
@z_al and I came up with the Tree Internet sequence after being inspired by #PeterWohlleben ‘s book #thehiddenlifeoftrees . The trees had their own internet communication through fungal… – source2020-09-07T12:46:56.000Z
One of my favorite things to do in the northern #Michigan woods is to stop on the Au Sable river with a cigar and this beautiful book that I keep in the glove box of my atv.
Among other things, it’s taught me to hear the trees (no shit) – source