The No Asshole Rule Building a Civilised Workplace and Surviving One That Isn't. Robert Sutton
Robert I. Sutton
Learn how to deal with insensitive colleagues, corporate bullies, and bosses who just don't get it in this essential guide to building a civilized workplace. Stanford professor Robert Sutton provides practical advice for handling difficult individuals and maintaining your own professionalism in the face of abrasive behavior. Don't let toxic coworkers destroy your workplace - read this definitive book and learn how to survive and succeed in a challenging environment.
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As we head back to the office, this book by @work_matters is essential reading.
It’ll explain why you should never tolerate a-holes at work & help you find out if you might be one yourself.
(It’s also my wife’s favorite business book, including those written by her husband.) – source2018-03-05T02:37:18.000Z
@Strike_Williams Dealing with toxic leaders is a challenge, each is different w different motivations...they usually fly under their bosses radar. Much longer conversation than we can have here...but check out this great book: “The No Asshole Rule”. – source