The Power of Moments
Why Certain Experiences Have Extraordinary Impact
Chip Heath
This book explores the power of brief experiences and how they can change us. The authors identify four elements that dominate our most memorable moments: elevation, insight, pride, and connection. By embracing these elements, we can create more moments that matter. The book delves into mysteries of experience, such as why we tend to remember the best or worst moments and forget the rest, and why our most cherished memories are clustered into a brief period during our youth. The Power of Moments shows readers how to be the author of richer experiences and create memories that matter.
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Goodreads Rating
7/ The Power of Moments by Chip & Dan Heath
Wonderful book on why we remember some experiences more than others and what about those experiences made it so.
Will teach you a lot about how to create such moments in your life, for others. – source2019-04-18T09:06:28.000Z
@fkabudu I always remember when I had the feeling before and how it was overcome with the joy of winning. The winning moments are powerful. They are why we continue. I recommend the book - The power of moments. – source2018-08-16T15:17:00.000Z
@cruzerduzer I am writing one now but if you want a great audible book check out POWER OF MOMENTS by chip heathe. Ive listened to it twice. :) – source