The War on the West
Douglas Murray
In The War on the West, bestselling author Douglas Murray challenges why only Western nations are blamed for the flaws in humankind's history. Murray explores how discussing the flaws and crimes of non-Western cultures is deemed hate speech, while celebrating their contributions is acceptable. He exposes how dishonest scholars, hatemongers, hostile nations, and human rights abusers use polarization and lies to distract from their ongoing villainy while attacking reason, democracy, science, progress, and the citizens of the West. From highlighting the hypocrisy in protests to defending enlightenment values, Murray calls for a necessary reckoning and defense of justice and equality.
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Forget labels like “right wing” & “dark web”, read a book without preconceptions about the author & judge what it actually says. For what it’s worth, I always vote left & I think Douglas Murray’s The War on the West is utterly superb. Please read it with an open mind. Please. – source2022-05-02T16:28:37.000Z
"And into the silence left by the impossibility of saying what is true, anything and everything can roam." Thanks @DouglasKMurray for an excellent and timely book, The War on the West. It makes it easier for the rest of us to tell the truth. – source