Tribe of Mentors
Short Life Advice from the Best in the World
Tim Ferriss
Get insights and tactical advice from 130+ of the world's top performers in this ultimate choose-your-own-adventure book, Tribe of Mentors. From billionaires to athletes, artists, and entrepreneurs, learn how to overcome failure, find work-life balance, meditate, set priorities, and achieve extraordinary results. Discover practical and tactical advice that can help you transform your life and achieve your goals. Written by Tim Ferriss, this book is a brand-new playbook of playbooks that will change your perspective on what's possible.
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Goodreads Rating
It distills key habits and beliefs of ultra-successful people and also dives into some of life’s larger questions, like what makes life meaningful. Highly recommended! No matter what point of your life you’re in, you’ll find this to be one of the best books right now to provide guidance for your unique journey. – source2018-01-17T17:12:12.000Z
@DrBryanStewart @tferriss @TimFerrissBlog @jockowillink @steveaoki @RickRubin @tonyhawk @aishatyler @garyvee @joelmchale @naval I love Tim’s book because it’s essentially a collection of great principles from people who have accomplished great things. – source2017-11-23T01:07:36.000Z
One book, so much wisdom - including this guy. “Tribe of Mentors” by @tferriss. The ultimate toilet read - and so big you could use it as a squatty potty. – source2020-08-10T19:20:58.000Z
That book, "Tribe of Mentors." Read it.
A great entrepreneur is the product of a village of mentors.
Stop believing Techcrunch or Hollywood. – source2017-11-30T19:06:33.000Z
I'm in Tim Ferriss' latest book "Tribe of Mentors," short chapters of life advice from people in different fields:
Lots of good stuff throughout from ppl like @VitalikButerin, @waitbutwhy & @RayDalio. Hardcover's hefty & attractive, would make a good gift. – source2017-11-17T22:56:17.000Z
New @tferriss book is filled with so much timeless wisdom. I can't recommend enough. Here are some of my favorite quotes... – source