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Libros de Daniel Habif
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Los capitanes se hacen en las tormentas
Una visita a las dimensiones biológicas, psicológicas y espirituales para desmantelar el temor paralizante y la tiranía del autosabotaje (Spanish Edition)
Daniel Habif - 2021-10-26
This book is about becoming a better leader in both personal and professional life. The author provides guidance on how to navigate life's storms and challenges, grow and mature, and mentor others. Through exercises and reflections, readers will develop clarity of purpose, overcome fear and negative mindsets, and learn how to choose the right team members to succeed. Are you ready to embrace the challenges ahead and become a successful leader?

Daniel Habif - 2019-11-12 (publicado por primera vez en 2020)
This book is not like any other, it cannot be summarized or skimmed through. It is an emotional journey, made up of a thousand different pieces of the author's soul. Inquebrantables is a compilation of the most powerful messages from Daniel Habif's motivational speeches. Through this book, readers will find inspiration, hope, and courage to face life's challenges.
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