George Orwell
En el año 1984 Londres es una ciudad lúgubre en la que la Policía del Pensamiento controla de forma asfixiante la vida de los ciudadanos. Winston Smith es un peón de este engranaje perverso, su cometido es reescribir la historia para adaptarla a lo que el Partido considera la versión oficial de los hechos... hasta que decide replantearse la verdad del sistema que los gobierna y somete.
Fecha de publicación
publicado por primera vez en 1949
Calificación de Goodreads
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Here is a list of books that I found particularly influential in my intellectual development. – fuente2023-01-04T21:40:53.000Z
@lexfridman I just finished re-reading 1984 after seeing it on your reading list to start the year.
This book hits different every single time I read it. – fuente2018-05-31T10:22:22.000Z
Five novels I think about all the time
- 1984: States crave control
- The Trial: Bureaucracies eats people
- The Stranger: Alienation is a vantage point
- Animal Farm: Revolutions usually corrupt
- Brave New World: Caste systems fence morality – fuente2019-04-20T22:33:34.000Z
@shanehoughton omg shane. 1984, 1Q84, an absolutely remarkable thing, the name of the wind (esp if you like GOT), margaret atwood's madaddam series, anything brian k vaughan (saga for sure), everything joe hill, less by andrew greer – fuente2017-06-18T17:48:23.000Z
Need some book recommendations? Well, here are ten books you gotta read before you die: – fuente2017-01-25T13:20:35.000Z
And, 1984 now the #1 Best Seller @Amazon. I hope people are not just buying, but reading it. Link if you do not own – fuente2023-01-14T13:17:19.000Z
What are some books that truly changed the way you perceive the world? Here are some of mine. – fuente2021-01-09T15:57:32.000Z
@DonaldJTrumpJr Love that book! What do you think Billy Pilgrim’s best line was? – fuente