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Affective Neuroscience book cover

Affective Neuroscience

The Foundations of Human and Animal Emotions (Series in Affective Science)

Jaak Panksepp

Discover the biology and psychology of emotion with Affective Neuroscience. Jaak Panksepp presents the most up-to-date information about the brain-operating systems that organize the fundamental emotional tendencies of all mammals. This book offers a comprehensive summary of the fundamental neural sources of human and animal feelings, as well as a conceptual framework for studying emotional systems of the brain. It also covers emotions from the perspective of basic emotion theory and addresses complex issues raised by constructionist approaches. Explore pleasure and fear systems, the sources of rage and anger, and the neural control of sexuality, among other emotions related to maternal care and playfulness. A must-read for anyone interested in the biology of emotions.
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publicado por primera vez en 1998
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Here is a list of books that I found particularly influential in my intellectual development.      fuente
@Barry68141605 Great book. Used chapters from it in my Human Emotions course!      fuente