Art of Attack in Chess
Vladimir Vukovic
Master the art of attacking in chess with this legendary classic, newly transcribed into algebraic notation. Learn the basic principles and complex strategies for attacking the king like a pro. This revised edition is a must-read for any chess enthusiast looking to add power and brilliance to their play. With 352 pages, illustrations, and an index, this book is the ultimate guide to becoming a skilled and strategic chess player.
May 26, 2022
@mauricioartieda @Lona_Chess I wasn't sure if you were asking Dan L or me or both. No one book helped me the most, but some of my early helpful books were MCO-10, Most Instructive Games of Chess Ever Played, Pawn Power in Chess, Alekhine's Best Games, How to Win in the Middlegame, The Art of Attack... #Chess – fuente