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Building Anglo-Saxon England book cover

Building Anglo-Saxon England

John Blair

Explore the origins of towns, manor houses, and castles in early England with a radical reappraisal of the Anglo-Saxon built environment. Building Anglo-Saxon England is based on the latest archaeological discoveries, providing a fascinating exploration of the importance of buildings and settlements in shaping people's lives during the era of the Venerable Bede and King Alfred. Discover the diversity of the Anglo-Saxon built environment with a focus on its regional differences, and uncover the royal administrative organization of the kingdom of Mercia. Featuring stunning color illustrations, this book offers a closer look into the sophisticated living environments of the Anglo-Saxons, reflecting a love of elegant and intricate decoration.
Fecha de publicación
April 17
Calificación de Goodreads
Dec 15, 2020
Incidentally, John Blair's book that looks at this core 'eastern zone' of Anglo-Saxon England, 'Building Anglo-Saxon England' (2018), really is well worth a read, if you haven't already read it :)      fuente