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Empire of the Clouds book cover

Empire of the Clouds

When Britain's Aircraft Ruled the World

James Hamilton-Paterson

"Empire of the Clouds" takes readers on a journey through Britain's golden age of aviation, when the country was a world leader in aircraft design and production. From the sleek Comet, the first jet airliner, to the Lightning fighter-jet capable of zooming ten miles above the clouds in minutes, each aircraft was more impressive than the last. But how did Britain's aviation industry lose its edge? James Hamilton-Paterson explores this question in a fascinating blend of personal memories and realistic history. Follow the adventures of heroic pilots and their incredible machines, and witness the decline of British power and self-confidence.
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publicado por primera vez en 2011
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@thestigmaster And I agree with you on this. There is a great book called Empire of the Clouds which describes how we damaged our aviation industry with a series of short-sighted political decisions in the late 60s and 70s.      fuente