Father Elijah
An Apocalypse
Michael O'Brien
A thrilling apocalyptic novel that explores the state of the Roman Catholic Church at the end of time, with a focus on the strengths and weaknesses of the contemporary religious scene. The central character, Father Elijah Schafer, a Carmelite priest and survivor of the Holocaust, is called out of obscurity by the Pope and tasked with a highly sensitive mission: to penetrate the inner circles of a man they believe may be the Antichrist. The novel takes readers on an epic journey through Europe and the Middle East, as Father Elijah meets saints and sinners, presidents, judges, and embattled Catholic journalists while navigating a conspiracy of traitors within the very House of God. This apocalypse tale is written in the light of Christian revelation.
Fecha de publicación
publicado por primera vez en 1996
Calificación de Goodreads
@Felicitas4Truth “Father Elijah” is a truly great book. The sequel, “Monsignor Elijah,” not so much.
Plot summary:
After confronting and defeating the anti-Christ, Father Elijah is incardinated into the Diocese of Phoenix and is appointed pastor of a plush parish in Scottsdale, Arizona. – fuente