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Making Silicon Valley book cover

Making Silicon Valley

Innovation and the Growth of High Tech, 1930-1970 (Inside Technology)

Christophe Lecuyer

This non-fiction book titled "Making Silicon Valley" explores the growth and innovation of the San Francisco-area electronics industry which led to the formation of Silicon Valley as an industrial district. The author uses science and technology studies to trace the emergence of innovative practices by following key groups of engineers and entrepreneurs. Along with the military patronage and procurement, the influence of local institutions of higher learning is also considered. The book argues that unique competencies in manufacturing, product engineering, and management made the growth of the largest Silicon Valley firms possible, which in turn served as models and incubators for other electronics ventures in the area.
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publicado por primera vez en 2005
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Below are my favorite books and articles about the history of computing and Silicon Valley.      fuente
One chapter in and this book is blowing me away. The vacuum tube industry as an early driver of SV, even before HP and Varian, and arguing for ham radio culture as a major driver      fuente