Robert Greene
Take the reins of your own destiny to accomplish extraordinary goals. The ultimate power is expertise. According to Robert Greene, the acclaimed author of The 48 Laws of Power, we all have the possibility to develop our faculties and intelligence to achieve expertise. This represents the highest point of human potential and is the source of the greatest accomplishments and discoveries. Expertise refutes, in a definite manner, many of the myths regarding genius, and demonstrates that in each and every one of us, regardless of sex, social class, or economic conditions, is the seed that permits you to be an expert if you decide to follow the path that will take you to grandeur. The vocation, the learning, and a rigorous practice all come together to propel us to reach the summit.
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Here are my notes on Mastery - Robert Greene's book on an important concept that can improve your life. – fuenteRead Mastery so that you can figure your life’s task and how to dedicate yourself to it. – fuente
This book is like a curated version of 1000 biographies all under the guise, “how to become a master at what you love”. – fuente2021-04-05T17:20:13.000Z
Took @RobertGreene an adult lifetime (and a long book) to even get close to defining it.
Wonderful book examining the lives of Masters.
Recommend it highly. – fuente2022-12-31T18:40:43.000Z
📚 My favorite books
These are not the most-influential or most-important books of all time [at least not all of them] — just the ones I like the most; or the most-important to me.
I have almost certainly forgotten a whole bunch. – fuente