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My Life in Heavy Metal book cover

My Life in Heavy Metal

Steve Almond

This collection of 12 stories explores the often messy and passionate world of young love and longing. From hookups and drunken kisses to failed passes and sour relationships, the characters stumble through the choreography of modern love. Despite the aggressive sexual tone, the stories contain heart and the characters wear their sloppy passions on their rumpled sleeves. With humor and honesty, Steve Almond captures the flirty banter of office life, a doomed cross-party affair, and the struggles of a music critic navigating the late-eighties hair bands circuit. Overall, this debut from Almond shows promise for more great stories to come.
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publicado por primera vez en 2002
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Today’s book from the Shelves to read a bit of is from @stevealmondjoy, his very first collection, “My Life In Heavy Metal.” High recommendation from me, he’s a good man, plus check out his new novel “All The Secrets Of The World.”      fuente