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Nothing in This Book Is True, but It's Exactly How Things Are book cover

Nothing in This Book Is True, but It's Exactly How Things Are

The Esoteric Meaning of the Monuments on Mars

Bob Frissell

Explore the unconventional explanations of life in this mind-blowing book. Get a big-screen view of Earth's drama through the experience of Ascended Masters, Thoth, Babiji, and Drunvalo Melchizedek. Join their adventures in other-dimensional reality as they journey through the abyss to polarity consciousness as a catalyst for our evolution. Discover the universe's wildly successful interplanetary experiment in 1972 that's responsible for our rapid evolution. Through sacred geometry, the Connected Breaths, and the merkaba, learn to reach unity consciousness and shift into a new dimensional level.
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publicado por primera vez en 1994
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