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Shadow Hunters book cover

Shadow Hunters

StarCraft Series

Dark Templar--Shadow Hunters (Starcraft, Shadow Hunters, Bk. 2 of 3)

Christie Golden

Enter the merciless world of Shadow Hunters, where space warfare rages on based on the popular computer game by Blizzard Entertainment. Archaeologist Jake Ramsey embarks on a dangerous mission to find a vital piece of protoss technology on the fabled protoss homeworld of Aiur, while dodging the Queen of Blades' ravenous zerg. But Aiur has been infiltrated by the zerg, and Jake must descend into the shadowy labyrinths under the planet's surface to find the sacred crystal before all is lost. However, what he finds is beyond his wildest nightmares - Ulrezaj, an archon made up of the seven most deadly and powerful dark templar in history. Will Jake emerge victorious or succumb to the darkness?
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