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Empieza con el porqué book cover

Empieza con el porqué

How Great Leaders Inspire Everyone to Take Action

Simon Sinek

Nueva edición en castellano del primer libro de Simon Sinek que en poco tiempo ya se ha convertido en un clásico ya que es la base de uno de los vídeos TED más visionados.Para Sinek, lo importante no es tanto qué es lo que haces como el porqué lo haces. Lo esencial es saber por qué haces lo que haces, por qué existes. Aprender a formular las preguntas adecuadas te permitirán tener una empresa inspiradora, proyectos innovadores y gente comprometida para desarrollarlos. Sinek explica cómo crear el marco adecuado en una organización para conseguir esos propósitos.
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One of 70 must-read books.      fuente
@monicamusonda A superb book. Enjoy the read      fuente
If you follow my work, you've heard it before: one of the best ways to ensure you complete a goal is to get clear on why it matters. In this book, Sinek explains how great leaders and organizations use this superpower of motivation to achieve success      fuente
I realized better what I was doing when I read Start with Why, and I gave it to people to show them how to clarify what they’re doing right and what they’re doing wrong.      fuente
2 of my favourite books @simonsinek great reminders #books      fuente
Start with why I recall watching @simonsinek's Golden Circle Video and being mind blown at the simplicity and the power of it. This book laid all of its power, in prose. Must read for all managers and leaders.      fuente
@simonsinek - I’ve based my commentary essay on this week’s reading from the Hebrew Bible on your excellent book ‘The Infinite Game’, from which I’ve learnt a great deal - as I did with your other wonderful book ‘Start With Why’. Thank you!      fuente
So important, because people understanding why you do something, not what you are doing, is really what makes or breaks a brand.      fuente