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Talismanology and Mantram Lore According to Franz Bardon book cover

Talismanology and Mantram Lore According to Franz Bardon


Seila Orienta, Franz Bardon

Discover the power of Talismanology and Mantram Lore with this groundbreaking book. Learn about the hermetically charged mantrams, which offer intense success when practiced with maturity, balance, and purity. Through these mantrams, you can connect with powers, forces, and deities. Plus, you'll learn about the associated seal marks and rituals for each divine idea. This book is a must-read for not only hermeticists but also yoga scholars. However, be warned that the mastery of some mantrams requires much concentration and practice before seeing results. Explore Bardon's Mimicry Formula for Healing and Seila Orienta's complete St. John's Evocation as mentioned in Frabato.
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publicado por primera vez en 2013
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