La ciudad que nos unió
A Novel (The Great Cities Trilogy (1))
N. K. Jemisin
Toda gran ciudad tiene un alma. algunas son tan antiguas como los mitos, y otras, tan nuevas y destructivas como los niños. Nueva York tiene seis...
Toda ciudad tiene también un lado oscuro. Un mal antiguo y furibundo agita los pasillos del poder, amenazando con destruir Nueva York y a sus seis avatares recién nacidos, a no ser que estos consigan unirse y logren ponerle fin de una vez por todas.
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A few fiction books I've loved recently:
-NK Jemisin's "The City We Became"
-Amal El-Mohtar and Max Gladstone's "This is How You Lose the Time War"
-Kevin Wilson's "Nothing to See Here"
They're all beautiful writing built on fantastical premises. Got any more recommendations? – fuente2020-07-20T08:55:42.000Z
"The City we became" by @nkjemisin is one of the best written and interesting sci-fi books I've read recently. A love story to NewYork. I think every city needs a book like this, amazing, very much recommended! Maybe she wrote the next one about istanbul? – fuente2020-03-24T14:06:30.000Z
6. (Please see previous thread for #1-5) If you're looking for fiction that speaks to the present moment, THE CITY WE BECAME by N. K. Jemisin is for you. The soul of New York tries to speak, trying to alert inhabitants to. . . What, exactly? The first volume in a trilogy. WOW. – fuente2020-06-18T13:25:03.000Z
Given the state of things, it's even harder for me to lose myself in a book--but @nkjemisin did it. Three straight days of stealing time to read. This was so weird, and so ambitious, and SO DAMN GOOD. – fuente2020-06-26T04:25:04.000Z
Have read and highly recommend the first two via @nkjemisin @tithenai @maxgladstone, gotta check out the third... – fuente2021-05-13T13:57:05.000Z
@bfishbfish I will vote for anyone who says that their favorite book is @nkjemisin’s The City We Became – fuente