The Geography of Genius
Lessons from the World's Most Creative Places
Eric Weiner
Explore how creative genius is linked to specific places and times with this witty and insightful book. Travel the world from Athens to Silicon Valley, and back through history, to discover settings that promote ingenuity. Follow the paths of geniuses like Michelangelo and Socrates to see if the spirit that inspired them still lingers in these places. Learn how culture plays a crucial role in nurturing creativity, and discover practical tips to become more inventive. This New York Times bestselling book is an intellectual odyssey, traveler's diary, and thrilling romp all rolled into one.
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What made Athens, Florence, Hangzhou, Vienna, Calcutta, and Silicon Valley such creative centers? Author goes to each to find out, and dives into the subject of creativity in general. He's such a great writer, so insightful, and finds so many great points of view from the people he interviews. See his other book here “Geography of Bliss”. Equally brilliant. – fuente2019-11-12T19:30:31.000Z
I’m asked all the time what books I suggest. These are the best of the best. Links to each book are here #marketing #entrepreneur – fuente