El árbol generoso
Shel Silverstein
A boy swings in the branches of his favorite tree when he is very young. Later, as an adult, he uses the same branches to build a house and the tree's trunk to build a ship. Many years pass and the faithful tree fears she will never again see the boy, but he returns as an elderly man to be with his old friend.
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Not that u asked but these r probably the 3 books that shaped me the most (plus The Giving Tree) – fuente2019-07-25T16:08:05.000Z
Read The Giving Tree to @OlympiaOhanian the other night for bed-time. I love how contentious the book is... who thinks the tree is too self-less/self-destructive? Nevertheless, definitely choked up by the end of it... WHY? – fuente2020-05-20T15:53:29.000Z
Just read The Giving Tree to my 2 month old daughter and that 20 page children's book shook me harder than any book I've ever read. – fuente2020-01-10T19:11:57.000Z
I got to spend lunch with this wonderful group of 5 yr olds reading The Giving Tree by Shell Silverstein. Great book and good lesson about the value of friendship! (note, I have permission to post this). – fuente2022-05-06T12:51:52.000Z
I have ALWAYS felt this way about THE GIVING TREE. Awful book.
"The tree is perfectly happy to destroy herself under the guise of 'love' for the boy. That’s not love; it’s abuse." – fuente