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The Line Becomes a River book cover

The Line Becomes a River

Dispatches from the Border

Francisco Cantú

This book explores the experiences of a man raised on the American-Mexican border, who joins the Border Patrol to track drug routes and smuggling corridors. However, plagued by nightmares and haunted by the violence he has witnessed, he ultimately quits the Patrol. When an immigrant friend goes missing, the border becomes personal and he embarks on a journey to uncover the truth. The Line Becomes a River is a searing and unforgettable portrayal of the violence and trauma our border inflicts on both sides.
Fecha de publicación
February 6
Calificación de Goodreads
Provides a different world view for those of us protected from some 'reality'.      fuente
Jun 08, 2019
For a deeper understanding of the US-Mexico #border / #immigration paradigm, I highly recommend @_franciscocantu’s book. It has further expanded my understanding of this complex, consuming issue of great importance.      fuente