The Summer Book
Tove Jansson
Escape to a tiny island in the Gulf of Finland with "The Summer Book," a brief novel by Tove Jansson. Follow the adventures of six-year-old Sophia and her unsentimental yet wise grandmother as they spend the summer together in easy companionship. Wander over the coastline and forest, create miniature Venices, and write fanciful studies of bugs as they discuss the joys and sorrows of life, death, God, and love. Perfect for those who crave a complete world full of natural beauty and life lessons.
Fecha de publicación
publicado por primera vez en 1972
Calificación de Goodreads
Question: which books have been most powerful/resonant for you during the pandemic & why? Tell me stories of your reading...
Mine were Henri Bosco's Malicroix (1948, tr. Joyce Zonana) &––at last––Tove Jansson's The Summer Book (1972, tr. Thomas Teal). Isolation novels both. – fuente2019-02-20T19:29:51.000Z
Also The Summer Book, a NYRB reissue by Tove Jansson, Say Nothing by Patrick Keefe, Lie With Me by Phillipe Besson (w Molly Ringwald translating!), also I've lately been getting drunk and telling all my friends to read the Three Body trilogy – fuente2022-08-08T07:55:57.000Z
I read this book by Tove Jansson only relatively recently on @PhilipPullman’s recommendation. It has a quiet beauty… – fuenteՏուվե Յանսոն - բոլոր գրքերը Մումի թրոլների մասին ու բոլոր պատմվածքները. Ոչ մի ուրիշ գրող իր չափ չեմ սիրում: