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The Taste of Country Cooking book cover

The Taste of Country Cooking

The 30th Anniversary Edition of a Great Southern Classic Cookbook

Edna Lewis

Experience the taste of authentic American country cooking with menus for the four seasons. Edna Lewis shares her family's delightful preparations of fresh ingredients, celebrating the joys of each special time of year, from the first shad and wild mushrooms of spring to roasted sweet potatoes and warm apple pie in fall. With detailed recipes and personal reminiscences, you'll feel the sense of community and hard work that rewarded them with good food. Recreate this lost time in America in your own kitchen, and savor the delightful flavors of the past.
Fecha de publicación
publicado por primera vez en 1976
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Miss Lewis is a legend, and all American cooks should get to know her writing and her recipes.      fuente
Anyone who knows me knows I love to cook, and Edna Lewis brings together two things that should always go hand and hand: cooking and storytelling. It really is true, the best stories are told around the dinner table.      fuente