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The Wretched of the Earth book cover

The Wretched of the Earth

Frantz Fanon

Explore the theme of revolutionary struggle, colonialism, and racial difference with this classic analysis by Frantz Fanon. The Wretched of the Earth provides singular insight into the psychology of the colonized and their path to liberation. Fanon's incisive attack on the perils of post-independence colonialism has influenced civil rights, anticolonialism, and black consciousness movements around the world. This bold new translation by Richard Philcox updates the language for a new generation of readers, reaffirming it as a landmark handbook of social reorganization.
Fecha de publicación
March 12
publicado por primera vez en 1961
Calificación de Goodreads
Dec 31, 2022
📚 My favorite books These are not the most-influential or most-important books of all time [at least not all of them] — just the ones I like the most; or the most-important to me. I have almost certainly forgotten a whole bunch.      fuente