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Theory of Fun for Game Design book cover

Theory of Fun for Game Design

Raph Koster

Discover the secrets of designing games that are truly fun and engaging with this classic book, now in its 10th anniversary edition and updated with full-color illustrations. Theory of Fun for Game Design explores the multidimensional landscape of game design, covering topics like computer science, environmental design, and storytelling. Whether you're a professional game developer or a young gamer, this book provides insightful and inspiring guidance on how to create games that strike the perfect balance between challenge and reward, order and chaos, and more. You'll learn why certain games are enjoyable while others are boring, and how to ensure your games offer a fun and memorable experience for all players.
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publicado por primera vez en 2004
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Theory of fun Written by one of gaming’s OGs, this is a super easy to read book about the fundamentals of what makes games fun.      fuente