Siempre demasiado y nunca suficiente
Cómo mi familia creó al hombre más peligroso del mundo
Mary L. Trump
Un retrato revelador sobre el presidente Donald Trump escrito por su sobrina.
Mary L. Trump, psicóloga clínica e hija del hermano mayor del presidente de Estados Unidos, firma estas memorias en las que expone la oscura historia de su familia para explicar cómo su tío se convirtió en el hombre que ahora amenaza la salud, el tejido social y la seguridad económica mundial.
“Siempre demasiado y nunca suficiente. Cómo mi familia creó al hombre más peligroso del mundo” describe los traumas, las relaciones destructivas y cómo la trágica combinación de abandono y abusos forjaron al hombre que hoy ocupa el Despacho Oval. Además, explica sin tapujos la extraña y nociva relación entre Fred Trump y sus dos hijos mayores, Fred Jr y Donald.
Como testigo de primera mano de innumerables comidas e interacciones familiares, Mary aporta un ingenio incisivo y un humor inesperado a los a veces sombríos y a menudo frustrantes eventos familiares. En las casi trescientas páginas del libro, Mary narra todo con detalle, desde la posición central de su tío Donald en la familia hasta las frecuentes lesiones y enfermedades de su abuela, o la terrible manera en la que Donald, el hijo predilecto de Fred Trump, lo menospreció cuando empezaba a sucumbir al Alzheimer.
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Mary Trump: “The costs and benefits of governing are considered in purely financial terms, as if the US Treasury were his personal piggy bank. To him, every dollar going out was his loss, while every dollar saved was his gain.” 👇🏽 (this book is so good) – fuente2020-07-17T22:54:10.000Z
@realDonaldTrump So it turns out that there is an intelligent, compassionate, astute Trump after all - read her book. #MaryTrump – fuente2020-07-19T14:48:42.000Z
@itsJeffTiedrich @realDonaldTrump Great book. What a dysfunctional family. – fuente2020-07-14T05:49:55.000Z
Well, Eric, understandable you and the family are upset. Within the first few pages she describes your conduct, revealing you are an asshole both privately as well as we all knew publicly! Cindy Adams is over-the-hill for even this octogenarian! Mary’s book is essential reading! – fuente2020-07-19T14:34:03.000Z
Please read @MaryLTrump’s book, #TooMuchAndNeverEnough.
Not for the headline grabbing bits already well publicized, but for the incisive, thorough, & devastating analysis of @realDonaldTrump’s deeply damaged psyche.
Folks, he’s not going to get better. We are in serious trouble. – fuente2020-08-23T00:46:56.000Z
In sharing this I will also use this opportunity to recommend @MaryLTrump’s book. Specifically the audio version. It’s not your typical political book. She talks a lot about his dad, upbringing, and family. It helps make sense of a lot of his behaviors. – fuente2020-08-11T20:49:33.000Z
Mary Trump is my favorite Trump.
After reading her riveting book, my heart breaks for her dad Freddy.
She is proof that no matter where you come from, you can speak truth to power and inspire the nation.
If you haven't read her book yet, get on with it already. – fuente2020-08-11T18:24:46.000Z
@LeeDeline1 I’ve been reading the Mary Trump book. It’s pretty good, about what you’d expect. – fuente2020-07-16T17:31:21.000Z
.@realDonaldTrump is going to hate this. It’s a very good book. People say it’s the best book. Breaking all kinds of records. I wonder where Trump’s adult children, lawyers, and so-called loyal friends were... how did they let this happen? It’s their fault, you know.
🙃 – fuente2020-07-19T11:23:45.000Z
The best analysis of @realDonaldTrump I’ve read, drawn from his niece’s book, and filtered through @MonicaHesse’s brilliant mind:
“It doesn’t make him look like a weak man. It just makes him look like a scared boy.”
#WeakLittleBoy – fuente2020-07-19T04:03:15.000Z
I’m reading Mary Trump’s book. As the granddaughter of a psychoanalyst, it’s actually fascinating.
She identifies the West Wing as essentially a “total institution” in sociological parlance- a great observation. Trump is institutionalized, and not for the first time. – fuente